Nasheed, Songs and Videos in honor of Islam and the Prophet

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Nur Muhammad
Sulis with Orchestra
Cinta Rasul 1
Cinta Rasul 2
Cinta Rasul 3
Cinta Rasul 4
Cinta Rasul 5
Cinta Rasul 6
Cinta Rasul 7

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Sulis. That is how she is known in the music industry and that is also how her friends and family call her. She was born in Solo, Central Java on January 23rd 1990. When she was only nine years old, while anticipating Maulid Nabi, the prophet's birthday, in 1999, Cinta Rasul One was released. Over ten million copies were distributed and soon millions of Indonesian children knew the lyrics word per word.
Later, one by one Cinta Rasul Two until Cinta Rasul Seven came along, as well as the special edition, Love for the Messenger which was accompanied by Victoria Philharmonic Orchestra from Melbourne and Sydney. That year, Love for Messenger received an AIM, Music Industry Award, the most prestigious award in Malaysia as one out of five best Indonesian albums.
In all Cinta Rasul Albums, Sulis had always been singing with Haddad Alwi, who was not only her duet partner, but also her Shalawat (prayer for the prophet) teacher.
During these years Sulis was especially popular among children. Many mothers have told us that they often carried a small tape player with a Cinta Rasul tape along with them when they went out with their children. They said they often played it when the kids started acting up or nagging. Usually as soon as the mother played the tape, the child started singing along and moving his or her arms copying Sulis in her music videos.
Currently, Sulis is fifteen years old and we are producing her first solo album called Cinta Rasul Pop. At this time she has had many fans from different age groups and parts of the world. Everyday she received phone calls, fax, emails, mails, including small little homemade handicraft not only from everywhere in Indonesia but also from Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Syria, Kuwait, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Morocco, Nigeria, Abidjan, Kosovo, Mauritania, Holland, and the United States of America.
When Sulis is performing on stage, she has a different charisma than most stars and singers. Her expressions and gestures are modest and genuine just like when she is at home with her family and friends. As a young adult, not only she is carrying her name and angelic voice, but also her traditional Solo beauty. Her sympathetic smile and modest approach to her audience are unique and impossible to miss. This charisma sometimes makes it hard for her to deal with her fanatic fans. If in the previous years there were mostly children cheering and clapping, now men and boys are competing with the little ones.
That is Sulis now as a young woman, may Allah protect her.


Born on 1996, March 13, 37 years ago. Nobody would've expected, not even his loving parents that the son they named Haddad Alwi Assegaf will be known and loved by the hundreds of millions, even beyond national boundaries.

The expression of love and longing for his Lord and His Prophet, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and Rasulullah Shollollohu 'Alaihi wa Alihi Wa sallam, sung in ten different albums between 1997-2003 has sown an intricate bond of love among the people.

Different people call him different names, from those that call him Kak ("brother") Haddad, Habib Haddad, referring to his blood line that goes all the way back to the Holy Prophet. Others refer to him as Mas Haddad, according to his native land in Central Java, Bang Haddad in Eastern Indonesia and Ustadz Haddad to those that regard him as a teacher of love and longing for the Messenger. Every day of the year, letters poured in
from all corners of the world. Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, other countries in the Gulf and even a visit from the United States. The conflict ridden world, it seems, begins to realize its thirst for Love after being sidelined for much too long. Love of God, Love of the Prophet and Love for others has been a culture in the family's strong tradition of Islam. Even before he was born, ummiy - that's how he call for his beloved mother - was known to recite sholawat (songs of poetry, praise of the Lord and the Prophet). It seems that the experience was then permanently inscribed in the heart of the youngest son. leading him to the path of his life as he is these days... a romantic path of passionate love and longing, reflected in the tone of his voice.

Yet, nothing too special was apparent in his life. Dropped out of school and several attempts at being a local merchant. It begins with whatever capital he managed to put together, and ends with running out of them. To begin with no starting capital, put him in debt. Wrong turn, apparently. Then he discovered and pursued the calling of his heart. You might as well try and listen to how Haddad would recite the lines of Love, see if you feel the same thing in your heart. If only you have one..

By Haydar Yahya
The Chief and Founder of Cinta Rasul
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